Sunday, July 30, 2006

Morning papers

Here's a look at OVC items at online newspaper sites this morning.

The Anniston (Ala.) Star (subscription only) examines Jacksonville State's "road warrior" schedule for 2006. The Gamecocks play just four home games this season. Coach Jack Crowe says the trips to two Southern Conference opponents and Mississippi State, plus the league schedule, make for a tough row to hoe.
“If anybody thinks that schedule is designed to win with … It's designed to challenge somebody and generate different aspects of the program. But it's not designed to win.”
The (Charleston, Ill.) Jornal Gazette/Times-Courier reported in Friday's edition that four Eastern Illinois players were named to the all-American team at Don Hansen's Football Gazette. The Panthers picked are: Clint Sellers (first team defense), Tristan Burge (first team defense), Jon Reuter (third team offense) and Lucius Seymour (seond team defense).

A quick look at the full team list from the Gazette shows a few more OVC players honored. Of course, it looks like just about every player in I-AA was; the list includes first, second and third team, plus an honorable mention category that tales more than a page to list by itself. Id' scan the list for all the oVC names and type them in here, but it just seems easier to point you to the Gazette's PDF file.

The Cookeville (Tenn.) Herald-Citizen says Tennessee Tech has scheduled its annual "Gathering of Eagles" football fan day and picnic for Aug. 9 at Tucker stadium. The team's photo day starts at 9 a.m.; the picnic begins at 11:30. Admission is free.


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