Saturday, June 24, 2006

Talkin' up a storm

Thanks to all those who've been going comment-crazy over the last few posts. It's good to see there's an audience for OVC football info out there. It's obvious that the knowledge of all you commenters combined is far greater than my own. I can tell it's going to be a challenge to come up with stuff someone out there doesn't already know. But, by all means, if you know it - post it. I'm more than happy to have others contributing. Keep it up.

One note: I changed the comment settings to allow only registered users to post. This isn't an attempt to lay the smack down or anything, I just thought it would be easier for folks to follow the conversations if there was a screen name attached to every comment. By all means, if you've been posting as "anonymous," sign up for a Blogger username and keep contributing.

I'm always open to comments, criticism, questions, etc. Always feel free to leave a comment for me, or e-mail me at

Thanks again!


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